Hi everyone. This is a new segment where we’ll be featuring some reader mail about previous posts.
About Kolossal Killer… it’s a lot more commitment to carry around 2 indexes than it is a set of cards in your wallet, and for social magic using pocket writing is like… probably more reasonable.
Social magic? What’s that? We only deal in amateur magic here! Joking, but I agree. Pocket writing is an endlessly useful skill more people should practice. It ties into always having billets and a pencil on you, as the above person suggested.
Couple of points about your wallet post, first a locking Himber wallet can be opened by the spectator.
Also I would recommend a wallet that contains a pad. Several are available including one that I myself sell. The reason for this is twofold, you always have billets and you also have a way to make notes or write a shopping list.
It’s actually useful. I was at my brother in law’s house dealing with a plumber for him today and he asked if I had a pencil. There’s always one in my wallet so I handed him that. Think of non-magical useful things for your chosen wallet because 99% of the time you’re using it for non-magical things.
Overall I agree. I would point out that Himber wallets are still useless for amateur magic in my humble opinion, because you can’t really use them for everyday carry whatsoever. A pad for a wallet is a great non-suspicious idea I’d say, if your personal effects often have such handy features.
Your last line is one more magicians should swear by.
We received several emails saying they were excited for new posts.
We will be posting extra posts at the beginning of the month, beyond the weekend posts. They’re extra special, so look out for them.
Alright, that’s all for now. Thanks for reading and have a good week! There will be a new post Wednesday, featuring some old ideas. [It was there, now it’s gone. Sorry, slowpokes.] Next completely new post coming up Saturday.