The international man of mystery, Mr. David Berglas, passed away on Friday, November the 3rd. He was an absolute titan in the art of magic, establishing new and never-before-considered philosophy that has become essential learning.

He vanished a piano in an instant, helped deliver a baby using hypnosis, drove through London blindfolded, was awarded the MBE at Buckingham Palace, and was a loving husband and father. He lived a long, wonderful life.

I highly recommend looking through his YouTube channel, where he has a 3 part video series documenting his life. The piano vanish alone is an incredible story, a dining room full of people witnessing it disappear, then searching for it throughout the whole building to no avail.

I always knew he was a big deal growing up in magic. I had no idea why per se, but I simply respected him because everyone else did. That was until I was deep in my memorized deck journey, and managed to snag his book “The Berglas Effects” written by Kaufman off of eBay. That book changed the way I worked in magic. His “hands-off” philosophy and psychological approach inspired me to work with my mouth rather than my hands as a magician.

I will always be grateful for the miracles I have shared with people. They wouldn’t have been possible without Mr. Berglas. Forever a master, Rest In Peace Mr. Mystery.

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