A Quickie in the Back Seat

The big budget post is coming tomorrow, in about 8 hours. We hope it helps the professionals and satisfies the curiosity of the amateurs.

Email subscription is available as an option on the homepage now, if you’re interested for some reason. We’ll only email you when there’s a new post unless you say otherwise, except for exactly once a year.

Also, we’ll probably forget to send email blasts out when there are new posts a LOT, so don’t rely on them. Alternatively, if you were worried you’d be getting emails for every new post, don’t worry.

We will be moving themagicoval.com over to WordPress from Squarespace at some point here, there will be some maintenance and it might look slightly different afterwards. The site shouldn’t be down very long, and we’ll update you about it again as it comes up. With any luck, RSS feeds will still work.

Thanks a ton for the support. We couldn’t have done it without you. Or we could have, but it would have been a lot more depressing.


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