The Oval Credits

It has come to our attention that some are confused by the nameless approach we’ve been taking thus far. We will, as a result, gladly continue.

In all seriousness, it is fair to at least let you know which component is by which anonymous head, which I will now elaborate upon.

Illustrations are executed by our automaton artist. Not AI. Like the thing in Hugo. I’m joking, they’re a human.

Boo! was written by our editor.
Hand Choreography was written by Writer #2.
Performing For Messi was written by Writer #1.
Attenzione, Pickpocket!, Writer #2
Marginally Improving Kolossal Killer, Writer #2
Unworking Wallets, Writer #1
Jack Carpenter’s Youtube, Writer #1
Schedule and Report, Editor
Reader Mail #1, collaborative
Camouflage Bands, Writer #2
Checking Your ID, Writer #2
All Hallow’s Eve, collaborative
JISM #1: The Greatest Jazz I Ever Played, Writer #2
JISM #2: Lightning Strikes Twice, Writer #1
JISM #3: Rhapsody in Marked Blues, Writer #1
Odds and Ends #1, collaborative
Jazz in Social Magic #4: Wrap-Up, Writer #2
Berglas: The Man, The Mystery, The Legend; Writer #1
Imagination Thieves, Writer #1
The Study Center Tear, Writer #1
Ten Second Star Sign Tip, a friend of the blog
Action Button, Writer #1
A/B Testing, Writer #2

Hope this helps. More credits will be released as posts age.


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