Guest post number two comes from Spain. Dani Marko, legendarily famed and renowned for recording a performance of every Art of Astonishment trick on his YouTube channel, kindly provided an insight he gained after trying the Advocate at our recommendation. This is a little specific to Madison’s Advocate, but could be adapted to other indexes.
To those of you who use the Advocate, this should make sense. He simply sidejogs the seven of hearts so that you can locate it immediately and count from there. If they name less than seven, you count as normal. If they name seven, you’ve already got it. If they name above seven, you start at eight.
As far as crediting goes, we’re certain this sort of thing has been done before but the first instance of it is escaping us.
He has another clever suggestion using the tuck of the box to help divide the kings into colours. See the picture below. While the illustration was prepared, we decided it was too close to exposure for comfort. Just, you know, put the tuck between the different colors. You racist. (How obvious is it that this entry was written by more than one person?)
Feel free to send any thoughts or ideas you get from reading the blog.