Vanishing The Fucking Moon!

Since it appears that David Copperfield was buddies with Epstein it looks like he’s getting cancelled. Shame the public seems to be so picky about who gets cancelled from his list of friends.

Given the impending #MeToo-ing of Copperfield, I suppose it’s now for us to give someone else a go at making the moon vanish. We have documented proof that the writers were discussing this idea before Copperfield announced his intention to vanish the moon. Receipts below.

The only way you could actually make the moon stop being visible is by putting something between you and the moon. We’re going to assume that Copperfield wasn’t just going to repeat his Statue of Liberty camera trick, so that leaves one possible method. This is the too perfect theory in action.

You can make the moon vanish yourself. Just go outside at night when you can see the moon and put your hand between you and it. TA-DA!!! The moon has vanished!

On a larger scale with more people than just you looking at the moon, you would need to put something else between you and the moon that is bigger and further away. If only we lived in the 21st century where the technology exists for a near silent flying machine capable of flying in unison with some other near silent flying machines carrying a piece of black out fabric. Oh wait, we do!

We just need to do some simple maths to calculate how big a square of fabric we need at any given distance from the spectators. First we calculate the viewing angle of the moon from the earth by treating the distance to the moon and the diameter of the moon as a triangle…

The angle we care about is A which is 0.52 degrees. Using that we can treat the distance from the spectators as the length of 2 sides of an isosceles triangle.

Based on this second simple calculation, we can see that you only need about a 9m square of fabric to cover the moon when the fabric is being flown 1000m away from the spectators.

Taking the first result in Google for the weight per square metre for blackout fabric (170g), for a 10m square (rounding up to allow for the moon dimensions not being totally accurate) we would need 100 square metres which weighs just 17kg. This is easily capable of being carried by a single commercial drone.

Because the requirement for fabric size is so ridiculously small compared to the loads that 4 drones could carry between them holding each corner of the fabric, you can actually make it much bigger just to ensure that the moon becomes very invisible.

Since magicians care about who is first to publish a trick, consider this post The Magic Oval laying claim to this method. All who perform it must now seek our permission, including Copperfield.

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