So Mark Elsdon featured us last Sunday in his premium newsletter, A Metabolic Fig. What the hell? Thank you, Mark! A Metabolic Fig is an excellent newsletter that provides the best of magic weekly. That he would think an article of ours was worth featuring means a great deal. It was even enough to counteract the Jerx Slump, which is when The Jerx comes back and you all care about us a little less. This in contrast to the Jerx Bump, which is when we get animated and horny and – sorry, that’s actually a bump of… well, it’s overpriced and not worth it, kids, forget I said anything. The Jerx Bump is when we get more traffic because the Jerx pauses. That’s what it is.
In all seriousness, I can’t thank him enough. I’ve been a fan of Mark for many many years, and his recognition of my silly clickbait as both funny and realistic is an honor. If you want to check out A Metabolic Fig (it’s not free, so don’t waste his time if that’s what you’re looking for), email Mark about it at
The Et cetera page has been added, for all your et cetera needs. It features popular posts, credits, and the privacy policy. The privacy policy is handmade, like every other bit of copy on this website except the awful email subscription confirmation page that we still need to change. I have to ask Smith to do that. (Update: We fixed it. If you’re the sort of curious person who reads privacy policies (see below) and doesn’t want to or already did subscribe, you can check it out here.)
The privacy policy is worth reading if you’re a very boring/curious person or get a kick out of watching someone try their best to maintain a persona while writing legalese. The important thing to know is that we never do anything with your information. We added one because we do email subscriptions, and apparently saying you’d rather commit suicide than share emails isn’t enough under EU law. Not that we’re based in the EU, but it can’t hurt.
Reader Mail #3 will be coming out in a week or so. If you want to get in some email that you think is worthy of a post in time, make sure you email us soon. Email to reach me, to reach Drew, or to reach all of us.
Memo from the artist: Is this anything?

Don’t expect much of a post on Valentine’s Day.