It’s Valentine’s Day, and I’m busy having sex with my lover. Regular posting returns Sunday.
This is clearly not true Jerry, you’re a magician and therefore a virgin. Signed, Gaha McViolate.

Really though, what are we going to do for a post today? Give you a themed trick to do that you won’t have time to practice? Make a regular post and not take advantage of this perfect opportunity for filler? Edit: I did last minute in the end. But I fucked up and it’s not fit for publication, so here this is again. Or for you, here it is for the first time. Signed, the virgin.

Here’s an idea. Make a handmade card. Just trace something if you’re not a great artist, it’s what our artist does. Fold a piece of paperboard in half along the width (or buy a card that’s empty inside), trace over half of a piece of printer paper, stick it on there, then write something on the inside.

They’ll love it.


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