Happy St. Patrick’s Day! If you live in the US, be safe.
[Edit: This is completely incorrect, and I only really had an issue with the supposed stunt anyway. The irony.]
By the way, if you heard about a certain exposure “artist” being banned from the Magic Castle recently and got any amount of joy from it, we’re sorry to report that that’s fake news, as confirmed by the Castle themselves. (If you’re curious and don’t know who we mean, email. We’re not giving this guy any extra public recognition.)
Disappointingly, the TMZ article source was the guy himself. It was a promotional stunt.

Departing from that nonsense to something more important, it seems like many of you suspect comments are turned off because our tender ears can’t bear to hear criticism, and have been kind enough to avoid it thus far.
Assuredly, the reasoning presented in Reader Mail #3 is all the reasoning there is.
It actually brings up an issue. See, we love criticism. We love it even more than praise. Praise feels like my hand, criticism feels like my ex’s tight… anyway.
Really, we grasp that the common wisdom is to say nothing if there’s nothing nice to say, and we appreciate your courtesy thus far.
But, to those who can be bothered, cut it out. If you think we fucked up, or if you particularly disliked a certain post, let us know!
Hell, if you just want to call us a piss-poor imitation of The Jerx, that’s fine too, though we may publish it in that event.
Edit: Apparently we left the part about the missing LUX trick in the excerpt sent out to email subscribers. This will be included in a future post, it was too good to put in Odds and Ends.
The privacy policy has been fixed. To see the terrible old version, email us.