April Fool’s! Oh, you should’ve seen your faces, thinking there would actually be a full post here today, on a Monday.

I got you so good.

Wait, it’s actually Sunday? Okay, I may as well take this time to note some screwups. I know, I suck at April Fool’s Day.

In an incredible stroke of irony, I was completely wrong about the TMZ article in the post asking you to correct us.

There’s also a correction to make regarding Vanishing The Fucking Moon. You would need to account for crowd size and head movement when calculating the size required.

Fuck off Jerry, I wrote this with you as the spectator so crowd size is accounted for. The crowd size is you. -Gaha McViolate

That’s mostly all. See you Wednesday. On that note…

We’re going to try keeping serious posts to Sundays for the foreseeable future, and making Wednesdays optional. We feel that there’s been a bit too much unpredictability to the posts lately. You never know when you’ll get filler. This way, we can give more time and attention to Sunday posts, and make them worth your while. When there are posts Wednesday, it’ll be fluff or a part two or something like that.

In short… Posts every Sunday, and sometimes Wednesday or Saturday. Yeah, it’s not as catchy.


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