The holidays! So joyous. If you’ve been a reader for a while, you’ll know that we usually do a little something for any holiday that a post day falls on. Unfortunately, we won’t have the opportunity to do that this year. Even though Christmas falls on a Wednesday this year, this won’t be because we stopped doing posts on Wednesdays. Instead, this will be because we won’t be doing any posts for the latter half of December at all.

Why the late notice? Well, a weekly schedule is a tricky thing. We finalized this decision almost two weeks ago, but it was too late to add it to the errata post and we weren’t going to subject you to two non-magical posts in a row.

As a result, we’re doing away with the schedule as well. For real this time.

Okay, trouble making announcements is far from the only reason, or even the biggest reason, but I wanted to get all the important news out of the way before the part where you have to click to see the rest of the post. Speaking of which…

Alright, you’re here and you’re ready to hear the variety of reasons that we’re abandoning weekly posts. Or perhaps you’re skeptical. After all, we’ve claimed that we would stop posting weekly before, and with only a few exceptions continued to post every Sunday regardless.

This time, however, I can assure you that it’s real. We may post once a day (probably not), we may post once a month, but one thing is for sure, we won’t be posting once a week anymore.


1. Flexibility

It isn’t just a holiday hiatus announcement that this schedule has interfered with. If we have a post planned and something else comes up, it can be a full month before it makes sense to put that post out again, by which point it could be out of date.

Besides this, it’s always unfortunate when we want to either post something a little earlier than planned or spend a little more time working on something but feel beholden to issue every piece of content at 7:59 am on a Sunday.

2. More time to work on exclusive material

You might be wondering, why haven’t these guys tried to sell anything yet? What the hell is their business plan?

The answer is pretty simple. We haven’t had the time to sell anything yet. On top of real life, keeping this blog going has kept our plates full enough that we haven’t had the time to work on anything that we would be selling. (With the exception of something that you’ll be seeing soon.) The hope is that once we aren’t pursuing a weekly schedule anymore, we’ll find ourselves making more progress finalizing the things we want to sell.

3. More time to polish the website overall

This one should be pretty self-explanatory. The site could use a lot of work. Posts are missing tags, practically every page that isn’t a post is missing anything you would care about, and the whole site is missing a certain je ne sais quoi.

4. Maybe more of you will sign up for emails now

Oops, did I say that out loud?


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