
  • We ran out of crows, so if you were hoping for a picture of four crows you’ll have to resort to Google Images. Sorry. Someone chimed in to let us know about credits for a subtlety described in the post The Stripper Fakes A Breather. I’m a fan of planned spontaneity, and I like this…

    Read more: Reader Mail #4: The Benefits of Not Using the Same Decks
  • Reader Mail #3: Calm Goat Hive

    Category: ,

    Email us at, or email / to reach Jerry and Drew respectively. Everyone we’re featuring emailed Jerry this time around, but all of your emails were appreciated. “Not post comments, those are still disabled.” Why? Just curious.-IM It’s a good question, to be sure! I hope you don’t mind if my response…

    Read more: Reader Mail #3: Calm Goat Hive
  • Reader Mail #2


    From a reader: Lary Kuehn, one of the founding fathers of bizarre magic, has passed away. Lary was one of the kindest, most helpful magicians I have been fortunate enough to know, and leaves a legacy not only in his publications such as the Bigger Book of Boo, but also in the many magicians he…

    Read more: Reader Mail #2
  • Reader Mail #1


    Hi everyone. This is a new segment where we’ll be featuring some reader mail about previous posts. About Kolossal Killer… it’s a lot more commitment to carry around 2 indexes than it is a set of cards in your wallet, and for social magic using pocket writing is like… probably more reasonable. Social magic? What’s…

    Read more: Reader Mail #1



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