mark elsdon

  • Odds and Ends #8: The Burgle Ass Effect


    We’re big fans of David Berglas and Mark Elsdon here. So when Murphy’s Magic and Craig Petty released promo for a seemingly perfect version of ACAAN, with a glowing endorsement from Mr. Elsdon, we were very excited! There’s just one tiny problem… That’s not just once, either. The entire page was loaded with this typo.…

    Read more: Odds and Ends #8: The Burgle Ass Effect
  • Odds and Ends #4: The Fig One

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    So Mark Elsdon featured us last Sunday in his premium newsletter, A Metabolic Fig. What the hell? Thank you, Mark! A Metabolic Fig is an excellent newsletter that provides the best of magic weekly. That he would think an article of ours was worth featuring means a great deal. It was even enough to counteract…

    Read more: Odds and Ends #4: The Fig One



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