As of today, this blog is exactly one year old.
We’re genuinely appreciative of all your support.
The Human Resources department has requested a wellness check on each of our employees. So we’ve brought each of them in for a brief interview, which we will now share with you.
Anne is an incredibly valuable resource to the team. Her expansive knowledge of magic, and her being a woman, is a great help.
It has been one year of working with the blog, so as the token woman I thought it would be fun to share the average day working for the blog as a behind the scenes look for our readers.
Normally, we all wake up together when the Editor brings us breakfast. It may be unconventional, but a nice big bowl of instant noodles is a great way to start off the day. This is also a great time to discuss the agenda for the day. After breakfast it’s straight to work. There are a lot of things that need to happen in order to get these blog posts out on time with the quality we hope our readers have come to expect.

The team is busy responding to emails, reading through magic literature, editing upcoming posts, until eventually the Editor comes back with lunch. I assume it is about noon-ish, but the clock in the room doesn’t work anymore. Lunch is usually a nice filling bowl of instant noodles, and once we are filled up we have some more work to do. After all the Slack notifications are taken care of and all our work is done, it’s time for leisure. The Editor usually brings us books or lets us go online to various magic communities. Lots of the staff use this time to practice new routines.
Eventually the Editor collects all of our books, props and electronics and then we have dinner. A lukewarm bowl of instant noodles is a great way to close out a long day of work.
After dinner the Editor shuts off the lights and locks the door. We whisper amongst ourselves about what it means to be part of the blog.
For me, this year I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with a fantastic group of magicians. I feel immensely privileged to have been invited to the blog to talk about magic, to write about magic, and to work with such a passionate group of magicians. I have encountered so many fascinating ideas from this community, so many concepts that challenge how I view magic, so many unique perspectives on our shared art.
In the short lifetime of the blog it has made me feel like more of a member of the magic community, contributing more to the vast ecosystem of our beloved art than ever before.