Foursomes are better than using mates.
If you can watch the entire video above I applaud you, but it is merely used to serve a point. Method aside, there is one presentational thing I primarily dislike here (despite it being an awful video overall).
I hate the use of mates. Whenever I see a magician use a “mate” card as a prediction or an out in a trick I feel disappointed.
Yes, the point is to use the existing cards in the deck to form a prediction of some kind while leaving the target card in the deck. But you can do this in a much more effective manner by adding just a few cards. Take a look at the two pictures below.

I think using other cards such as the remaining 3 cards to make a four of a kind, or an incomplete poker hand is much more effective. Not only do you have to explain what mates are to people (not the most riveting experience in a trick), the concept itself is very contrived.
Think, just by adding 2 more cards to your prediction, there is no further doubt that only one card will be correct. Otherwise, while technically you can explain it has to be the same color and value, the sense of theatricality when using a mate is dead. Consider the picture below.

I don’t have to explain to you what completes the set of cards above, you know just by looking. This is what you want to achieve in doing these sorts of predictions. Instead of setting one card aside, set aside a handful like this one.
I understand that not all tricks that use mates have the opportunity to utilize this way of thinking. Gemini Twins by Karl Fulves is a great example and a great trick. There’s not much you can do there. But, certainly, many do. I encourage you to try it.